I forgot!

She’s a 2000 VW Golf 5-speed. Her name is Delilah. We’ve been having a great time. She costs $45 to fill up and has a 50-litre tank and she’ll take me nearly six hundred kilometres before she’s hungry again.

Why “Delilah”? Well, here’s the conversation where my friend spent literally 45 minutes throwing names at me. My head nearly exploded, but it worked!

[18:07] Gayle: guess what? i’ll have a Little Blue Wagon!
[18:07] Brent: LOL
[18:07] Gayle: i need to name it, too
[18:07] Brent: Blueriffic?
[18:07] Gayle: ew, no
[18:07] Brent: BluesClues?
[18:07] Brent: BlueBaller?
[18:07] Gayle: bwah!
[18:08] Brent: lol
[18:08] Brent: ‘Ol Blue?
[18:08] Gayle: stop with the blue!
[18:08] Brent: BlueBoobie?
[18:08] Brent: LOL
[18:08] Brent: Penelope?
[18:09] Brent: Sandra Blullock?
[18:09] Brent: hahaha
[18:09] Gayle: penelope would do except I knew a penelope once
[18:09] Brent: Christine
[18:09] Brent: ‘Chrissy’
[18:09] Gayle: nope.
[18:09] Brent: Gertrude?
[18:10] Brent: Layla?
[18:10] Brent: Shondelle?
[18:10] Brent: Alexandria!
[18:10] Gayle: ha ha ha!
[18:10] Gayle: you’re a riot.
[18:10] Gayle: what makes you think it’s a girl?
[18:10] Brent: hehe
[18:10] Brent: I dunno…
[18:11] Brent: Bruno?
[18:11] Brent: BillyBob
[18:11] Gayle: hee!
[18:11] Brent: Bruce?
[18:11] Brent: Bluce?
[18:11] Gayle: what’s with the B names?
[18:11] Brent: Serendipity?
[18:11] Gayle: oh!
[18:11] Brent: hehe
[18:11] Brent: πŸ˜‰
[18:11] Brent: Serenity?
[18:12] Brent: Jane?  LOL
[18:12] Brent: Doc Holliday?
[18:12] Gayle: JAYNE!!!!!!!
[18:12] Brent: πŸ˜€
[18:12] Gayle: the car’s name might be jayne cobb!!!!
[18:12] Brent: ROFLMAO  πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€
[18:12] Brent: we rule!
[18:12] Gayle: we DO.
[18:13] Brent: hehehe
[18:17] Brent: So… Jayne Cobb eh?  hehe
[18:17] Gayle: hm. maybe. i dunno?
[18:17] Brent: Any thought to Serendipity?
[18:17] Gayle: i like that one too
[18:17] Brent: πŸ™‚
[18:17] Brent: Irving Steinbloom?
[18:17] Gayle: BWAH
[18:18] Brent: Rhonelda?
[18:18] Gayle: bwah!
[18:18] Brent: Roberto (said with a french accent)
[18:18] Gayle: HEE HEE
[18:19] Brent: hmmm
[18:19] Brent: Hubert!!
[18:19] Gayle: ha ha! stop it, you’re killing me.
[18:19] Brent: Yolanda?  Yohan?
[18:19] Gayle: hehe
[18:24] Brent: Oooooh, Vincint!
[18:24] Brent: Vinnie?
[18:24] Brent: He can be my cousin…
[18:24] Gayle: it has potential
[18:26] Brent: Julia Gulia?  LOL
[18:26] Gayle: bwah!
[18:27] Brent: Mistress Michelle!!
[18:28] Brent: Joey Tribiane?
[18:28] Gayle: you’re too cute
[18:28] Brent: thanks.  πŸ™‚
[18:28] Brent: πŸ˜€
[18:29] Brent: Seraphim!
[18:29] Brent: Sarah…
[18:29] Gayle: ooh
[18:29] Brent: πŸ™‚
[18:30] Brent: Yosemmittie Sam
[18:30] Brent: Delilah?
[18:30] Gayle: mm, Delilah.
[18:31] Brent: Mod Flanders!!
[18:31] Gayle: no, I’m liking Delilah
[18:32] Brent: Cool.  πŸ™‚
[18:33] Gayle: a new name might pop up once I drive around though. we shall s
[18:35] Brent: Anastasia!
[18:35] Brent: Amidala?
[18:35] Gayle: ew, no
[18:35] Brent: Jar-Jar?  ROFL   ok, that’s WAY too much
[18:35] Gayle: *throws monkeys*
[18:36] Brent: OUCH
[18:36] Brent: OW
[18:36] Brent: hehehe
[18:36] Gayle: hee hee
[18:36] Gayle: good monkeys! *throws bananas*
[18:36] Brent: lol
[18:36] Brent: *sigh*
[18:36] Brent: thanks
[18:37] Brent: *spanks monkeys*
[18:37] Brent: πŸ˜‰
[18:37] Gayle: ha!
[18:37] Brent: big monkeys
[18:37] Brent: !!
[18:37] Brent: πŸ˜›
[18:37] Gayle: always.
[18:38] Brent: more like apes really
[18:38] Brent: baboons even
[18:38] Gayle: hee hee
[18:38] Brent: Oh
[18:38] Brent: Babette?
[18:38] Gayle: no.
[18:38] Brent: Bobette?
[18:38] Gayle: no.
[18:38] Brent: Bobbit?
[18:38] Brent: hehehe
[18:38] Gayle: NO.
[18:38] Brent: Wendy?
[18:38] Gayle: no
[18:38] Brent: Peter?
[18:39] Gayle: nope. not names of people I know.
[18:39] Gayle: know
[18:39] Brent: Persephany?
[18:39] Gayle: hm.
[18:39] Gayle: i still like deliklah
[18:39] Brent: Xavior
[18:39] Gayle: only without the k
[18:39] Brent: hehe
[18:39] Brent: πŸ™‚
[18:39] Brent: Naomi?
[18:39] Brent: Narissa
[18:39] Gayle: maybe.
[18:39] Brent: Rochelle
[18:40] Brent: Cleveland!
[18:40] Brent: Homer
[18:40] Brent: Peter Gryffin
[18:40] Gayle: would you stop? you’re making me nuts!
[18:41] Brent: Sonja?
[18:41] Brent: Sonya?
[18:41] Gayle: nah
[18:42] Brent: Geneva
[18:42] Brent: Guenivere
[18:42] Brent: Horatio
[18:42] Brent: Helen
[18:42] Brent: Achilles
[18:42] Gayle: seriously! you’re KILLING ME you have to stop!
[18:42] Brent: Agustus
[18:42] Brent: LOL
[18:42] Brent: like, you’re laughing non-stop killing you?
[18:43] Gayle: no, like it’s JUST TOO MUCH INFORMATION
[18:43] Brent: Or like, your brain’s going to melt killing you?
[18:43] Gayle: the melting part
[18:43] Brent: oh, ok.
[18:43] Brent: lol
[18:43] Gayle: πŸ™‚