I feel like I want to make jewellery again but I’m not getting the motivation for it. I have ideas and plans and instead I sit on the couch. Today and last night I made a few heart pendants (which sell like crazy, go figure) but my hand is actually killing me, so I’m having trouble doing any more.
I need to sequester myself in with my gemstones and wire and force some productivity, or else the coming season will be a bust. I made a pile of money last year but money just isn’t a great motivator for me. Doing the shows sucked the good out of me, I think. I’m glad I’ll only be doing one this year (OK, maybe two).
I have an amazing project going with my friend Angela, who is a printmaker and bookbinder. We’re making individualized boxes for each of my major neckpieces. The only thing is, between me getting my wisdom teeth out and her making a trip to Halifax and various other schedule conflicts, we haven’t worked on it since the first night, about three or four weeks ago – so that’s in a stall too.
Blah. I’m just blah.