

I was talking to my friend Colleen about jewellery and such when I remembered what I wanted to do today: Beachcombing! My mom got her shoes and made a lunch when I wasn’t looking (thank goodness!) and brought two hats and I grabbed my sunblock and a couple of bags, and away we went! We had no idea where we were going, I just knew I wanted to try the southeast side of the island, so I drove towards Glace Bay. First stop: Big Glace Bay Beach.

Big Glace Bay Beach

I got all kinds of great mussel bits here, and a few bits of beach glass. Next: some place in Donkin. I think.

Donkin? Maybe?

NOT a good place. Stinky and full of human garbage that hadn’t been cleansed by the sea yet. I did find a few pieces of glass though. Next: Port Morien. Somewhere.

Port Morien

This was a great spit of land with way more pieces of beach glass than I’d expected. I found my only rare coloured pieces here – aqua, a teeny blue, and a pink! We also stopped here to eat our sandwiches, which were so weird and so delicious: raisin buns with strawberry jam and chunks of cheddar cheese. Also some fresh pineapple, grapes, and a lot of water. Soooo good. Next: Wadden’s Cove.

Wadden's Cove

Aww, lookit my baby Delilah, faithfully taking us where we wanted to go! With TUNES. We didn’t do any beachcombing here, just a drive through the niftiest dirt road plus a great view at the end.

Wadden's Cove

Finally, we landed at Mira Gut, where I was again surprised with a great number of clamshells. And purple rocks.

Mira Gut

So what did I get? Oh, it’s a fabulous haul. Here’s the whole thing:


I wish I’d thought to use a plain towel for cleaning and sorting. But oh well. Also, I didn’t bother laying out the mussel shells nicely. Get over it.

Some of the great beach glass:

The GREAT snail shells I got. Man these are pretty.

Lots of clams.

I also got a very small amount of driftwood, like three or four teeny pieces. I wanted to get more but the smaller pieces aren’t as nice as the big ones – and even the big ones I found were kinda sucky.

AND I didn’t even get BURNED. Yay SPF 45!

Ok. Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap.